
10 Creative Things with Tennis Ball


Inspite of only playing with tennis balls, you can use them for other daily activities. Following are 10 creative things you can made with tennis balls. ENJOY!!


1) Use Tennis ball as a Jar Opener

2) Use tennis balls to protect scraches on floor and noise cause with the legs of chair.

3) Use tennis ball as candels.
4) Use Tennis ball to hang various things.

 5) Use Tennis balls as a frame of mirror or photos.
6) Use old balls to grow small plants
7) Use balls as a stand.
8) Make puppets for kids.
9) Do some creativity on ball and use it as a showpiece.

10) Use Tennis ball as a curtainrod knob. 
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10 Creative Things with Tennis Ball 10 Creative Things with Tennis Ball Reviewed by Navdeep Singh on 02:56 Rating: 5


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  2. Tennis balls maybe aren't the sort of thing you'd connect with DIY projects, however now is the ideal time to get out of your usual range of familiarity and investigate how these little green balls can bring some usefulness into your life! They are sold all over the place and they're certainly on the less expensive side of things, so get a major sack of tennis balls and begin making! Discover a thoughts with these straightforward and unforeseen approaches to reuse tennis balls!
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